Page | Text |
2 |
News: SigmaSheet Spreadsheet
From Minerva Systems |
News: Games From Minvera Systems.
Hoverbod/Missile Control |
News: Screendump For 24pin Printers
From Abacus Training. For LQ800/LQ1000
triple density graphics mode, 7.5"x5" |
News: U-Connect Comms Package
From Magenta Research |
News: ArcTerm Comms Package
From Hugo Fiennes. Free! |
News: Pipedream Integrated Program
Wordprocessor/Spreadsheet/Database |
News: Database Of Educational Software |
News: Quazer Game |
Info: Bush Rescue Game
From 4Mation. Correction |
Info: File Paths
Correction. *SET File$path |
Info: Local DATA Statements
Comments on BASIC V version 1.03.
RESTORE/DATA/Libraries |
Info: System Delta Plus
Minvera Systems Database. Correction
to previous info on 'no room' error |
3 |
Info: Eureka! Bulletin Board
Numbers etc |
News: ArcWriter Still Free?
Wordprocessor |
News: RAM Prices Climb |
4 |
News: Archive Magazine Disks |
News: IBM Emulator
New version. 1.00/1.09/1.20/1.21 |
5 |
Hint: DATA Statements In Libraries
Comments on using disk files instead of
Info: IBM Emulator
Comments on upgrading policy |
Info: 5.25" Disk Interface
From Watford. Comments |
Info: Comments On Arcwriter
A reader stick up for Acorn's
wordprocessor. Bugs/comparison with
GraphicWriter |
6 |
Help: ArcWriter Wordprocessor
Transferring documents between disks.
Help: Partial Renumber For BASIC
Comments |
Hint: Passing Variables Between Programs
Using indirection operators. HIMEM/?/!/
$/Chain/variable passing |
Hint: File Transfer With An Apricot
Someone has managed it! Data Transfer/
7 |
Hint: Colour TV Output |
Hint: Drive Lights On 5.25" Disks
External drives/links/DS1/DS2 |
Hint: 300 Or 400 Series?
Routine to discover which machine the
program is running on.
SYS"OS_UpdateMEMC"/Page Size |
Hint: Buzz Fix
Comments. Upgrade 300 to 305/ArcWriter/
capacitor |
Hint: Printer Acknowledge Line
Discovering whether the printer is
on-line/off-line |
Hint: *TYPEFILE Command
An alias to type out a file on the
printer and then turn it off again.
8 |
Hint: Setting The Command Line Prompt
Info: MultiSync Monitors
NEC/Taxan/Philips CM8873/Fujitsu ME-503/
Kaga Vision III/Mitsubishi EUM 1471a/
*CONFIGURE MonitorType/Centring Taxan |
9 |
Info: Sound Synthesis 1
A Detective story! Inside the sound
system. Music/WaveSynth/WaveTables/DAC/
Creating a new voice/Brass Voice |
13 |
Info: Playing Tunes In BASIC
DATA statements |
15 |
Info: Programmers Reference Manual
More errors/corrections .'Types don't
match' error |
Info: User Guide
Corrections/errors. OPENUP |
16 |
Review: EMR SoundSynth
Sound Voice Generator/Arpeggio/Music |
18 |
Review: Book
Computer Languages: a guide for the
perplexed |
News: Acorn Modula-2
Language |
News: Acorn BCPL
Language |
Info: Relocatability
Compilers/C/Fortran77/Pascal |
19 |
Hint: Parameters In Command Files
OS variables/*BUILD/*SET/*UNSET/Alias |
Info: Floating Points
Speed trials using the hardware FP.
Number crunching |
20 |
Review: FORTRAN77 Graphics Library
From CCD Computer Services |
21 |
Info: *FX220,n
Redefining escape key action. Bugs/
Problems |
Info: Unknown IRQ At &00000000
Bug/Problem/RS432 |
Info: Mouse Pointer Problems
In modes 18-20. Bug/Fix/VIDC |
Bug/Problem/BASIC V 1.03 |
22 |
Info: IBM Emulator
MS-DOS Column. Software that runs/
allocating more RAM/Workspace/RAM disks/
23 |
Program: Auto-Configuration Revisited
Enhancements to previous program. CMOS
29 |
Info: Using The Debugger Module 2
Tutorial. *MEMORYA/*MEMORYI/self
modifying programs |
37 |
Info: Beginners Guide To Fonts
Tutorial on fancyfonts. Anti-aliasing/
SYS"Font_FindFont"/SYS"Font_FontPaint" |
44 |
Review: ArtWorker Art Package
From MacSoft |
45 |
Review: Mode Converter/Data Transfer
From Science Frontiers. Convert BBC
graphic screens to ARC format. Transfer
via RS432/Serial port |
46 |
Review: Artisan Support Disk
From Clares. Screendumps/pattern editor/
slide show module/fade editor |
47 |
Review: Desktop Games
From GEM Electronics. |
Review: MaxGammon Game
From GEM Electronics. Backgammon on the
desktop |
48 |
Info: Fitting The Acorn Hard Disk
Step by step guide to DIY hard disks.
50 |
Program: Base Conversion
PROC to convert any number to another
base. Binary/Decimal/Octal/Hex |