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0 |
Trying to take the positive view
More encouraging prospects for RISC OS
Substantial developments afoot?
Ed. |
2 |
Archive Double CD Volume 16 ready
Ed. |
Archive Price Rise
From 1st October
Ed. |
Blinds now 32-bit aware
Stuart Halliday |
DataPower Home
DTP-like database
non-relational version
R-Comp |
4 |
Debian Linux CD for Iyonix
Peter Naulls |
DTP Principles - guide
With assorted supporting CD-ROMs
Alligata Media - APDL |
Grapevine communication/conversation
software : Upgrade to 1.11
R-Comp |
5 |
HolyBible 2.06 : 32-bit compliant
ExpLAN |
News from David Pilling
USB drivers for Epson scanners
All DP software now 32-bit compliant |
6 |
Viewfinder Radeon card now supported
Windfall Engineering |
7 |
VirtualRPC-SE on CD
To run RISC OS4 on Windows 2000 or XP
8 |
RISCOS Ltd licenses RISC OS 4
Agreement with Virtual Acorn |
ROUGPS - RISC OS Universal Graphics
Printing System : via gimp-print
Call for support for project
website |
9 |
Scripted Search & Replace
ConvText : text editing program
Paul Sprangers
Review by Paul Beverley |
12 |
Spatience : Scriptable desktop game
Jason Horsnell
Review by Paul Beverley |
14 |
MSN to Lock Out Unauthorised Clients
Microsoft to exclude third-party
clients from accessing MSN instant
messaging service
Chris Williams |
15 |
Clear the Decks - TaskKill et al
Tidying-up Desktop & Iconbar after
finishing a job
T.O.M.S. |
17 |
Build your own MDFs
Tutorial for Monitor Definition Files
Keith Hopper |
21 |
Archive-on-Line : Steve Knattress
Impression page numbering, Laptops -
VRPC & Alpha, Thesaurus loading,
Spreadsheet for small business, |
27 |
Archive-on-Line : Steve Knattress
Digital cameras, JPEGs,
Not a JPEG - BinHex |
30 |
Learners' Column
AlphaPro Notebook
Very pleased with purchase
Ray Favre |
34 |
Gerald Fitton
Bayes' Theorem : Starting Hypotheses
Bayes not 'mysterious' |
39 |
AntiSpam UserTests - Part 1
Program to add complex options
to AntiSpam
Harriet Bazley |
43 |
C++ Standard Library - Part 26
Hash maps & sets
Associative containers
Rob Johnson |
51 |
Using DataPower2 - Sorting
Not possible on certain fields
Julian Fry |
54 |
Dr Wimp's Casebook : Ray Favre
Dr Wimp Version 3.81 - error cleared!
Runs on Virtual RPC |
55 |
Doing it in Style: Out of the Box
Cascading Style Sheets
The 'Canvas', Boxes
Keith Hopper |
59 |
Puzzles : Colin Singleton
Dominoes solution,
Flawed Fermat,
(Higher) Tower of Hanoi |
60 |
PD Column : Steve Fryatt
Stealth, Q-Lock, GnuPG, Workspace,
QuickFiler, MiniDisc, OvHTML, Teletext,
ThumbCat, WebGen2, Nstall, ARMalyser, |
63 |
PD Column : Steve Fryatt
OWW, Fingering, AMPlay,
GPSUtils, PICProg |