Home : Archive Magazine, volume 2

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2.1 October 1988
2.2 November 1988
2.3 December 1988
2.4 January 1989
2.5 February 1989
2.6 March 1989
2.7 April 1989
2.8 May 1989
2.9 June 1989
2.10 July 1989
2.11 August 1989
2.12 September 1989

News: RISC-OS Price Rise
News: A305 RAM Upgrades Down In Price
Memory ugrades for 300 series from
Norwich Computer Services
News: A410 Available
From Norwich Computer Services. A410
/A420/A440 configurations available
News: A410/A420 RAM Upgrades
Down in price
News: ArcComm Comms Package
From BBC Enterprises
News: Atelier Art Package
From Minerva Systems. 256 colours
News: CareWare Nr 1 Disk
Now available - list of contents
News: CareWare Nr 2 Disk
Plus ShareWare 12 and 13 (RISC-OS
update disk)
News: DTP Package
From Acorn
News: Euclid 3D Package Upgrade
From Ace Computing. RISC-OS version
News: First Fonts
For 9 pin printers plus HP LaserJet and
News: Hard Drives Now Exportable
Computerware hard disks
News: MewSoft Programs
FaxFile Manager/Forms Manager/Fancy
Labeller now available in RISC-OS
News: Micro-Librarian Professional
Version 3.0 from Micro-Librarian Systems
News: Modems Down In Price
Cheaper 2400 baud modems from Norwich
Computer Services. Miracle WS3000/
Amstrad SM2400
News: Archive Monthly Disks
Summary of programs available
News: NewsMaster Users
DTP Package running under the PC
emulator now has extra art galleries
News: RISC-OS Companion
From Software Solutions. Dustbin/Note
Pad/Filetype Changer/File Conversion
Utilities/Terminal Emulator
From Dave Pilling. RISC-OS version of
'ARC' file archiver (was Public Domain
from BEEBUG)
News: Z88 Down In Price
News: Archimedes A3000
Available at the 1989 BBC Acorn User
News: A3000 Products
From Pres. Plinth/expansion cards/ hard
disk/case for external expansion
port/mini podule expansion board
News: Adventure Games
From Topologika. Countdown To Doom/
Return To Doom/Philosophers Quest
News: Adventure Games
From Topologika. Kingdom Of Hamil/
Acheton compilation. Also 'Avon' based
on Shakespeares' plays
News: ARMTrakker
From The Serial Port. 8 channel sound
sequencer (mouse driven)
News: Dabs Press
ABC65 Archimedes to 6502 cross compiler
ABC Dynamic Extensions for the ABC Basic
compiler/Instigator OS extension package
News: Disk Copier (Unnamed as yet)
From The Serial Port. Copies any
ARC/PC/ST disks
News: DTP From AVP
Pixel Perfect (RISC-OS version)
News: DTP From BeeBug
News: External Expansion Boxes
From SGB Computer Services for A300/
A400/A3000 series
News: Graphics Tablet
From Watford Electronics
News: Holed Out Golf Game
From Impact. More courses available
News: Mach Technology Update
News: PipeDream 3
From Colton Software. RISC-OS version
with many new features
News: Presenter 2
From Lingenuity. RISC-OS version
News: Presenter Story
From X-AMPLE Technology. Presentation
graphics package
Programmers Reference Manual
News: Hand Held Scanner
From Watford Electronics.
News: Hand Held Scanner
From BeeBug
News: SCSI Interface
From Lindis (Lingenuity)
News: Real Time Digitiser
From Lindis (Lingenuity)
Hint: Partitioning Hard Drives
Partitioning hard disks under the PC
Emulator to less than 10Meg
Hint: Hearsay
Changing baud rates automatically using
a dial prefix
Hint: Case Sensitive System Variables
Problems with *SETMACRO Alias$
Hint: Overload Game Passwords
Hint: T Option In LDR And STR
ARM code 'write back' instruction.
*MemoryI dissassembler
Hint: Bit Patterns For LDR And STR
Omission from appendix C of the "ARM
Code Assembly Language" book from
Computer Concepts
Hint: BASIC Restrictions
which have been lifted by BASIC V. MODE
FOR,REPEAT,GOSUB nesting limits
Hint: BASIC Errors
Some error messages not given in the
User Guide issue 2. ERROR 11/ERROR 25/
Hint: Using Fortran 77
Corrections to a previous subroutine
(Archive 1.7) showing how to access
graphics from FORTRAN
Hint: Printer Conventions
How the Archimedes handles printers.
Hint: PC Emulator Star Commands
How to have extra logical drives
configured using config.sys
Hint: Three SWIs
not mentioned in the PRM issue 1.
OS_AddTo Vector/OS_WriteEnv/
Hint: Misspelled SWI
Sound_QSDispatch should be
Hint: Infinite Energy For ThunderMonk
Cheat routine for Minerva Systems' game
Hint: ThunderMonk Passwords
More cheats for Minvera Systems' game
Hint: View To FWP Utility
Problems with the conversion program
provided with FWP
Hint: Using 1stMail For Multi-Columns
How to do it
Hint: Possible Bug In 1stMail
Problems with double line spacing when
mail merging
Hint: MemAlloc Module
Found in the !Lander directory. Set RAM
allocations using star commands
Hint: DeskTop ScreenSize Configuration
How screen memory is allocated when
using the DeskTop program
Hint: DeskTop Startup Commands
Customising the desktop by running a
star command or a file on startup
Hint: Converting ARCTerm 6.01 To RISC-OS
How to do it. *RMEnsure/*RMReInit/*DIR
Hint: Extra Options For *COPY
Using the new L and N options. Automatic
backups of changed files using the *COPY
command in the application !Run file
Hint: RISC-OS RS432
Communicating with a BBC B at 19200 baud
Hint: Diagram II Using RamDisk
How to use Pineapples' software with the
RISC-OS ramdisk
Hint: Midi !Maestro
Undocumented facility for playing MIDI
instruments with the RISC-OS music
Hint: Typing Control Characters
Entering 'non keyboard' characters using
the ALT key and the numeric keypad
Hint: RMReInit And SpriteUtils
'SWI not known' error caused by
application killing the SpriteUtils
module. *ROMMODULES/*RMReInit
Hint: Multi-Tasking
Discovering the maximum number of tasks
that can be run at once
Hint: Leaving The DeskTop
From a command file by simulating 
Hint: Space For Large Applications
Maximising memory by *Unplugging
unwanted modules. Logistix and PC
Emulator examples given
Hint: Getting FWP Started
Don't use *MOUNT, use *DRIVE instead
Hint: FWP From The DeskTop
A !Run file to start it up under RISC-OS
Hint: 1stMail Under RISC-OS
Problems with the main window not
resizing (printer window is hidden!)
Hint: Installing Artisan
under RISC-OS. How to return to the
desktop afterwards/Any directory/
Dealing with compressed screens
Hint: RISC-OS PostScript Drivers
Outputting to a Mac laser printer by
transferring the ASCII PostScript file
Hint: Configuring !PrinterDM
How to ensure it drives your printer
Hint: RISC-OS & Text Scaling Solution
Text scaling problems resolved in
multisync modes
Info: MSDOS Column
Change of writer
Info: Sprite Plotting For Games
Fast sprite plotting techniques/ fast
screen clearing
Help: RISC-OS Problems
Diary required/keyboard input for !Calc
PC Emulator uses parallel printer when
configured for serial
Help: TeleText Adaptor
Can it be used with the Archimedes?
Help: Archimedes In Education
Material required for a future article
in Archive
Review: Home Accounts Package
From Minerva Systems. Money management/
bank account/credit cards/expenditure
Review: Archway - WIMP Tools
From Simtron. WIMP program development
Info: Language Forum
Desktop and programs/calculating pi
Review: Prolog System X Language
From Acorn
Info: Bug In YAIG Game
on ShareWare 8
Info: The BASIC Compiler War Continues
Comments from the author of Dabs Press'
ABC on comparisions with RiscBasic and
the benchmarks in Archive 2.9
Comment: Problems With GammaPlot
From Minerva Systems. Duplicates
appearing in data lists
Comment: ArcWriter Word Processor
How to use it effectively
Comment: Hard Disk Specifications
What the access times really mean
Comment: ComputerWare Hard Disks
Update to original review in Archive
Info: Window, Icons, Mouse & Pointer
WIMP tutorial on RISC-OS. How to create
an application directory and a sprite
for it. !Boot and !Run files
Review: RealTime Solids Modeller
From Silicon Vision. 3D CAD Package/
Review: Plague Planet
Adventure game from Alpine Software
Info: BASIC Version 1.04 Changes
Changes to BASIC V. OVERLAY/Array
initialisation/SUMLEN/MOD/ERROR EXT/
Info: BASIC Version 1.04 Changes
Assembler enhancement/Extra routines
supported by CALL
Review: Studio24 Plus
From EMR. Midi sequencer/recording
Review: Risc User Vol 1 Special Disk
From Beebug. Rotaing world/Disk menu/
Pixel editor/Printer buffer/Toolkit
module/ARCScan magazine indexer
Hardware: Bits and Pieces
Problems with I/O podules/4Meg board
from Watford/A3000 external expansion/
A3000 serial port & comments