Home : Archive Magazine, volume 2

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2.1 October 1988
2.2 November 1988
2.3 December 1988
2.4 January 1989
2.5 February 1989
2.6 March 1989
2.7 April 1989
2.8 May 1989
2.9 June 1989
2.10 July 1989
2.11 August 1989
2.12 September 1989

News: Repton 3 Game
From Superior Software (native mode)
Life Of Repton/Around The World In 80
Screens/Repton Through Time
News: Jet Fighter Game
From Minerva Systems
News: 3D Pacman Game
From Grandslam
News: Home Accounts Package
From Minerva Systems. Runs under RISCOS
News: AlphaBase DataBase Package
From Clares
News: Software Developer's ToolBox
From Acorn. Utilities for 'C'/Pascal/
News: Nine Disks Of Programs
From David Pilling. EMACS editor/Kermit/
Micro Spell/Fortune Cookie/XLISP/Chess/
CrossStar/File Tools
News: PD Prolog
From The Advisory Unit. Public domain
version of Prolog language. IBM PC
News: Extended Precision From BASIC
EpBas package from Abacus Training. Use
floating point uniop & binops from
within BASIC.
News: Maths Co-Processor
Update on price and availability
News: ArVis VideoGraphics Expansion
From Video Electronics Ltd. PAL encoder
board/video controller board/
videographics podule
News: Colour Converter Improved
Updates from Lingenuity
News: Yet Another Art Package
Pax from Z&Z Software
News: Cobra Game
From Richard Millican
Advance orders
News: Euclid Upgrade
3D graphics package
News: WIMP Template Editor
News: Shareware Concept Takes Off!
Archive disk contents. Graphics demo/
Shareware disk 1/Shareware disk 2
News: Monthly Program Disks
Archive policy & prices
Help: ARM Code Corner
Editor/submissions required
Help: Sony MultiSync Monitor
Help needed with the Sony CPD 1402
Help: Hewlett-Packard PaintJet Printer
Colour screendump required
Help: Star LC10 Printer
Screendump required
Help: Remote Sensing
Advice required on sensing temperature/
water level/humidity
Help: Pipedream
Beginners article required
Help: Fractal Programs
Help: 512 x 512 Resolution
How is it done? Info required
Help: Sheffield User Group
Is there one? Info required
Info: Keyboard Extenders
Longer cables available
Info: Elliptical Circles On Screendumps
How to modify Gerald Fitton's MiniDump
software for use with LQ/LQ compatible
Info: Econet
How to copy the directory structure and
files from ADFS/IBM PC MS-DOS floppy to
a fileserver
Info: Solidisk/SCML Teletext Adaptor
Complaints about downloading software
Info: Colour Monitor Problems
Cracks/flashing/EHT flashover/colour
alignment problems
Info: Disk Drive Power Leads
Service offered to make leads up. Run
external 5.25" drives from the ARC
power supply
Info: MicroLink MultiSpeed Modems
Offers of help on connecting them up
News: High Speed SpellMaster
From Computer Concepts
Info: SID Upset
Acorns BBS/prices/phone number
Info: Advertiser's Error
Corrected price for Computer Assisted
Learning's package Art Nouveau
Info: Leonardo Art Package
From Beard Technology. Name change to
'The Beard Technology Precision Picture
System' (PPS256)
Info: 5.25" Disk Interface Problems
New interface from Watford
Info: Mandelbrot Program on A440
Fixes to William Doggett's program to
use legal methods of finding the screen
base address
Info: Reading Non-Standard Disks
Using a program from Acorn User
Comment: AIM Defence
Reader opinion on the Image Processing
package distributed by Lingenuity
Info: MultiSync Monitors
NEC MultiSync II problems tackled
Comment: Archive Program Listings
Using Contex Computing's Typing Tutor
program to make inputting listings
easier. Review
Comment: In Defence Of ROM/RAM Podules
Computer Concepts point out the
Comment: GammaPlot
Reader opinion of Minerva System's
Hint: FontSize Problems?
Fontsize is allocated in 4k blocks.
Hint: Logotron Printer Dump
Using Archive's PrintKey program to do
a screendump
Hint: RX80 Printer ScreenDumps
For Clares' Artisan. Fix/patch
Hint: Monochrome Displays On The A440
Using a mono monitor
Hint: Desktop Calculator
Getting the numeric keypad to work
Hint: Conditional Booting
Boot files that behave differently on
powerup/. Using the
monotonic timer
Hint: CharDes Fonts
Using fonts designed on the Master
Hint: Command Files
disable/enable VDU output during a
command file. VDU21/VDU6/*ECHO//
using escape characters
Hint: Quick *COPYing & *WIPEing
Using wildcards. What the list of
options at the prompt mean
Hint: Stereo Speakers
Amplifying the audio output/volume
control using Tandy speakers. Sound
Hint: Ultra Cheap Sound Amplification
Maplin Electronics walkman heaphones
plus speakers. Sound
Hint: VIEW B3.0 'OC' Command
Sending escape codes to the printer by
redefining the highlight codes
Hint: ARM Code Macros
Two useful macros
Hint: Running ViewPlot Under 65Arthur
Info: Cheap Colour Monitors
Using the Commodore 1084
Hint: Using The ARC On Econet
Copying ADFS disks to the NFS
Hint: FWP
Changing the default drive for
documents/Saving to a fresh disk/Form
feeds in the wrong places
Hint: FWP
Use of IBM fonts/Graphics problems
(palette)/Conversion from WordWise Plus
Review: Pro-Artisan Art Package
From Clares
Contact: Auckland (New Zealand)
User Group available. BBC/ARC
Contact: Civil Engineers
Review: Quazer Game
From Impact
Review: Times Crosswords
From Akom Ltd
Info: Configuring The Archimedes
Notes on how it works/what not to do/
Acorn recommendations/*CONFIGURE
Review: Dabs Archimedes Basic Compiler
ABC/compilers in general/limitations
Info: BASIC V Forum
Keyboard input/GET/GET$/INKEY/INKEY$/
non ASCII key values/negative INKEY/
mouse buttons//
Info: BBC Compatibility List
Info: Knitware - Systems Programming
An introduction to systems programming
Comment: LISP - A Wider View
Opinions on the review of Acorn's LISP
Program: Disk Recoverer
Rescue damaged/corrupted floppy disks
Info: FWP Printer Drivers 2
Creating and using alternative
character sets
Info: Assembly Language Programming 6
ARM code tutorial
Info: A Music Keyboard For Archimedes
Using the ATPL 'Symphony 500' keyboard
Info: Thoughts Of A PC Emulator User
Why emulate?