Page | Text |
2 |
News: Arc Trivia Game
From Moray Computing. Questions with
editor |
News: MS-DOS Shareware Disk
From Archive |
News: ABC BASIC Compiler
From Dabs Press. Version 2 released |
Hint: Using Function Keys
Getting them to produce ASCII codes.
*FX225/*FX221// |
Hint: Troubles With Mitsubishi Drives
Solving problems with 5.25" disk drives |
Hint: Programmable Reset
Executing function key f10 when
is pressed. // |
Hint: Is It Still Going?
Finding out if the computer has hung
using the cap and scroll lock LEDs |
Hint: Using ARMBE
Entering the BASIC editor at the line
which caused an error. BasicEd/*SET/
Alias |
3 |
Hint: REM Statements
Problems with REMs that occur after a
THEN. Program flow/Structure |
Hint: MODE 3/MODE 6 Gaps
Defining the colours of the background
stripes between the lines of text.
OS_ReadModeVariable |
Hint: Auto LineFeeds
Using the WIDTH command when auto
linefeeds are disabled. FWP/Printer |
Comment: Program Descriptions
Better documentation required by
authors? Structure diagrams/Pseudo code |
4 |
Comment: Copy Protection
Horror Story! |
Help: Glossary
Required of Archimedes abbreviations |
Help: Plotter Driver
Required for HPGL plotters |
Help: Printer Driver
Required for HP Laser Jet printer |
Help: Erasing Arrays/variables
Can it be done? |
Help: Adventure Gaming
Comments required on what is needed for
a good system |
Help: Logistix SpreadSheet
Anybody imported DIFF files into
Logistix? |
5 |
Info: RISCOS Evolution
How RISCOS came about |
6 |
Review: RISCOS
Comments on the new OS. First
Programs |
8 |
Review: RISCOS
RAM Disks/E-Disk Format/Hard Disks/File
System Modules/File Structure/DeskTop |
9 |
Info: Update To Underground Map Program
On Shareware disk 2. Add Westbourne Park |
10 |
Review: BASIC V1.04
OVERLAY/Arrays and Matrices/SUMLEN/MOD/
CALL/*RMFaster |
13 |
Info: I2C Serial Interface
RISCOS/IIC Module/IIC_Control |
14 |
Languages: Pascal Compiler
From Dabs Press. Acorn Pascal error
message. reset/rewrite |
16 |
Info: MS-DOS Column
PROMPT/KEY.BAT/DBFast database package
review |
18 |
Review: PipeDream V2.2/SpellChecker
From Colton Software. Integrated
Spreadsheet/SpellingChecker |
21 |
Comment: Pipedream - A Personal View
User comments on the package.
Spreadsheet/SpellingChecker |
24 |
Review: WIMP Chess
From David Pilling |
26 |
Program: Current Directory Module
Setting up a system variable which can
be used as the CLI prompt. *SETMACRO/
OS_FSControl/sys$time/OS_Service |
29 |
Review: PacMania Game
From Grandslam |
30 |
Review: Deputy Professional Comms Pack
Communications software from Modem
Marketing |
31 |
Info: Assembly Language Programming 7
ARM Code tutorial |
33 |
Info: Using BreakPoints With Debugger
Testing ARM code programs |
36 |
Review: Pax Art Package
From Z&Z software |
37 |
Review: Cobra Game
From R. Millican |
38 |
Info: Logistix
Tutorial on constructing a spreadsheet.
Gild-Edged Redemption Yields example |
43 |
Program: Disc Recoverer Update
Now deals with 640K format disks |
46 |
Program: BASIC Program Compressor
SLASH/REM removal |